Monday, November 30, 2009

Seattle Police Officer Killings

I’m outraged. Unmitigated, un-tempered, multiple expletives deleted, outraged.  While we hand out get-out-of-jail-early cards due to “budget constraints” on our prison systems, we have insane people running amok across the country killing police officers, campus students, family members, and women en masse. 

Enough of this turn-the-other-cheek, where did we go wrong and slight you.  Where is eye-for-an-eye when we need it?  Oh, I know.  The recession made me do it, and that is Bush’s fault.  Enough of that too.

IMO justice must be swifter and surer.  Our fellow men and women police officers and the citizens they protect should not have to fear for their lives in the most mundane of circumstances.

Jail time should be a WHOLE lot less comfortable.  (We might even save money.)  If you don’t want to be caged like an animal then don’t act like one.

Philosophically I think the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.  We’re already putting hundreds to death for crimes against humanity.  Perhaps if we continue to incarcerate and dispatch those inhumans amongst us in sufficient quantities we will all become so thoroughly disgusted that the penalty will someday become a deterrent.  I surely don’t know, but the bloodbath of innocent people in the streets and homes has got to stop.

I’m outraged.  Internalized, but outraged.

UPDATE 12/02/2009:

I nearly deleted this blog as I find the subject matter highly distasteful, to put it mildly. Justice has been served, in this case, but we must find a way to be proactive, before the loss of innocent lives, rather than reactive, after the fact. It is a delicate dance on the sword blade of democracy, falling into chaos and anarchy off one side or lock step fascist socialism off the other. Even distasteful subjects have to be dealt with however.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Disparate Housewives: Sarah Palin Strikes Again

(Disparate Housewives/Desperate Housewives?  The TV show?  Never mind.) :

Main Entry: dis·pa·rate

1 : containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements
2 : markedly distinct in quality or character

synonyms see different


Disparate and incongruous as in Palin/McCain, Palin/President or Vice President, Palin/Politician.

I’ve opined on Sarah Palin before:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sarah Palin as Conservative Writer?

Saturday, July 04, 2009

No... more... Palin... puh-LEEZE


I haven’t read her new book (Going Rogue), I haven’t seen her on Oprah, I’m not going to watch her Barbara Walters interview.  I still do not see her as presidential or vice-presidential qualified.  I do marvel that she is an instant-packet of modern day political folk hero, someone to be ga-ga about for those Republicans desperately seeking a… marvel.  I sympathize with her for the unevenly rude treatment by the campaign press and the comedic vitriol of the likes of I’m-not-so-holy-now David Letterman.

In my opinion, conservatives AND Republicans would better serve themselves and their fellow men and women by staying focused on the real issues of the day: health care reform, cap and trade crippling of our energy resources, amnesty for illegal immigrants, civilian showcase trials for terrorists, and bowing to the wishes of every country in the world but our own (not to mention bowing to the Emperor of Japan, or the King of Saudi Arabia, but I digress). 

Big Brother has never been bigger, or less of a brother.  Conservatives have better things to do than fawning over Sarah Palin, but she IS a great distraction to Democrats.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Berlin Wall Anniversary

November 9th was the 20th anniversary of the toppling of the Berlin Wall.

The commemoration was attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Dmitry Medyedev, French President Nichlas Sarkozy, England Prime Minister Gordon Brown, former head of the Polish Solidarity movement Lech Walesa, and former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, to name a few.

The U.S. was represented by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

President Barack Obama will travel to Europe December 10, 2009 to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Health Care Vote, the Majority Rules!

The House of Representatives passed their version of the health care reform bill last night. Thank goodness that a majority of the thugs and looters controlling our government have prevailed in a free and democratic society.

The vote was 220 to 215, with 218 required for a majority. The 220 means50.57471% were for and 215 means 49.42529% were against. You have to draw the line somewhere!

With such a clear and obvious mandate reflecting the will of the people we can now shift focus to the Senate where we can only "hope for change" that the current travesty disguised as reform will be defeated.

I find it noteworthy that 39 House Democrats voted against the bill and ONE Republican voted for it. That was Joseph Cao, R-LA.

In August Cao voted against health care reform and expressed the thought that it would be the end of his career to do so. In an article,, he stated:

"I know that voting against the health care bill will probably be the death of my political career,"... "but I have to live with myself, and I always reflect on the phrase of the New Testament, "How does it profit a man's life to gain the world but lose his soul?" "

It's good he is a man of his word and devoted to his religion. (Not.)